About me
Hi! My name is Arnold Kochari. I currently work as a project leader at the SciLifeLab Data Centre. SciLifeLab is a large national life science research infrastructure in Sweden. Here I am lucky to combine my passions in open science, web development, and data science.
Over the years, I lived, studied, and worked in the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. I am now settled in my wife's hometown of Stockholm, Sweden.
My profiles: ORCID | GitHub | LinkedIn
Get in touch with me: arnold.kochari (animal) gmail.com

Open science
In the age of global internet access and with tools that scientists currently have at their disposal, I believe that the only way to do science is to be as open, as reproducible, and as collaborative as possible. I am a big advocate of open data, open analysis scripts (best as a step-by-step report using knitr or as a Jupyter Notebook), open peer review, preregistration, registered reports, preprint publication, and team science efforts.
Web development
I thoroughly enjoy building for web and have worked as a web developer on and off since my teens. I started as a freelancer, building simple websites using CMS systems that were popular at the time. Nowadays, I am excited to be using many great open source frameworks and packages that make building for web easy but also fun!
Data science
After many years of working as a scientist doing quantitative analyses, I have become a data analysis nerd whose idea of fun at a party includes initiating a double-blind ice-cream tasting with corresponding analyses. R is closest to my heart. I love seeing clean and coherent tidyr code or a beautiful plot resulting from just several lines of ggplot2, the latter seamlessly turned into a Shiny app with a few additional lines of code.
Research output
In past, I conducted research in cognitive neuroscience, focusing on language processing by the brain. In 2020, I obtained a PhD after completing a joint project at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, University of Amsterdam and Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen.
Some of you might be here because you are looking for a paper I (co-)wrote or for related data and code. You can find a full list of all my publications along with links to related materials on this page.